El contrato de reaseguro
La materia de seguros es sumamente amplia y compleja; no obstante, en nuestro país, no se le dado la publicidad requerida, quizás porque hemos gozado de un monopolio en esta materia durante muchos años; sin embargo, esta situación está cambiando, y es probable que pronto nos veamos bombardeamos de mucha información sobre el tema. Dentro de las fi guras propias de la materia de seguros, está el contrato de reaseguro, y es el interés de este artículo darle al lector una definición conceptual y explicativa de este tipo de contrato.
The matter of insurances is extremely ample and complex, however, in our country, given to the required perhaps publicity, so that we have enjoyed a monopoly in this matter during many years, however, this situation to him this changing, and is not probable that soon we see ourselves we bombed of many information on the subject. Within the own fi gures of the matter of insurances, this the reinsurance contract, and is the interest of this article to give to the reader a conceptual
and explanatory defi nition him of this type of contract.
Etiquetas: contratos mercantiles, , contratos modernos,, seguros,, reaseguros,